
The first page of the PDF (still available on gumroad)

Back in March I did a little publishing experiment which I mostly forgot about until right now. Typically I would think that means it failed, although I’m not sure it’s the case. I took two months of blogs posts and formatted them into a PDF with a bunch of additional photos from each of the featured shoots. I sold it via Gumroad for a minimum of $1. I only sold six copies for a grand total of $17.62.

Since it took me a few hours to layout it and offer it for sale, it’s a pretty significant loss, especially if I add in expenses for writing and the photo shoots (although we had already done them both). But one try isn’t necessarily enough to decide if something works. Did I publicize it enough? Was the content good enough?

I think the only way to work that out is to try it two or three more times and see what happens. I didn’t make much money publishing one e-book either, but once I had ten it was a whole different story.

Any way, if you’re interested, here’s my original blog post about the PDF, including a few samples.

And the PDF is still online here if you’d like to buy it.

Quickies in New York: Jan + Feb, 2013