Winter to Spring

This was the first collection of dirty stories I ever published on Amazon. It’s a small collection from the early days of Quickies in New York. From Amazon: Winter to Spring is a collection of thirty-seven erotic stories from the popular blog

Write ‘Till You’re Hard

I finally got around to publishing a new book on writing erotica. It’s called Write Till You’re Hard: The Best Guide To Writing Erotica Ever. Now, the subtitle might a little contentious, but that’s just the way it goes. Who knows? Maybe it’s...

Quickies NY PDF

Back in March I did a little publishing experiment which I mostly forgot about until right now. Typically I would think that means it failed, although I’m not sure it’s the case. I took two months of blogs posts and formatted them into a PDF with a bunch...

Punishing Alice

I finally decided to update “Babysitter” to see if Amazon would accept it with a new cover and title. They had flagged it a year ago for reasons I don’t exaclty understand. Especially when I searched for Babysitter Erotica and found all the books...

Camping With the Guys

Buy The Book! note: This is just porn. It’s personality driven porn, but it’s porn all the same. It’s also the one book people tell me they’ve come to more than once. description: When the other two girls cancelled at the list minute I had a...