Everyone should take a turn writing smut. Not just any smut, but honest smut. If every single one of you wrote down the most honest, filthy, soul-bearing pages of porn you could muster, the world would be a better place.

Here’s what it would look like if we all took the time to do it: We’d have a world where all of us know what we like, know how we want it, and know who we want it with. We’d have a world where people are fully capable of distinguishing fantasy from reality, and we’d have a world where all of us would know how to communicate our wants and desires to our partners because we’ve already done it a thousand times.

We would bust open every myth about “male and female sexuality” in a matter of weeks, and might finally start with a blank page when we climbed into bed instead of outdated expectations and assumptions. We’d no longer need to assume anything, because we could ask and we could answer. If the whole world wrote honestly about what we want we’d save marriages, end wars, vanquish rape culture, and have a whole lot more fun.

You don’t have to share it. You don’t have to publish it. You don’t need to leave it on the bed for your partners to read when they lie down, and you don’t need to read it at open mics around the world. But just imagine if we gave ourselves the room to feel exactly as we feel? Imagine if we let ourselves want exactly what we want? And imagine if we learned to say yes and no without fear or shame.

If everyone wrote some horribly filthy smut on occasion, we might just save the world.