An Easy Threesome

An Easy Threesome

I remember in college a random dude on my hall saying something like, “No one has ever actually had a threesome. People just talk about it.” And I’m sure I sounded like an asshole telling him I had probably had five or six? It was hard to count but they were fun and...
Are you Fucking in There?

Are you Fucking in There?

“Are you guys fucking in there?” Shit.  The stall was locked, and the hotel bathroom was far from anything, but someone found us anyway.  How do you answer that question? Just an honest yes? Say nothing at all? Ask for a towel? “Um, yeah,” my friend replied in a quiet...
Serving the Guests

Serving the Guests

I like to meet her at the door when she gets home from work. Especially when there are guests over she doesn’t know about, and especially when she drops to her knees the second she walks under the transom. It’s a silly little game, making her beg for my cock with six...
Morals Far and Few

Morals Far and Few

  Her bikini was so small that it took me five minutes to realize I knew her. But when she turned around, smiled at me, and took the empty chair next to me by the pool, it all came rushing back in an instant. “I haven’t seen you since high school,” she said,...
A Creepy Birthday Blowjob

A Creepy Birthday Blowjob

I told her that in high school a good friend once asked to suck my cock so she could practice before trying it on her boyfriend later that night. It was a drunk story I told her late one night, and I had almost forgotten I shared it until she climbed into bed with...