How you Watch

How you Watch

“Do you want to watch us fuck?” I nodded my head, but the truth is I wasn’t sure. I like watching sometimes, and I like being there, but I have to be in the right frame of mind to really enjoy it. “I want to try something different,” she said, taking him by the hand...

Watching Anyone Get Fucked

“Why aren’t we naked yet?” We had made our way back to Michelle’s apartment after two hours of tequila, and this was the best idea we had all night. I looked at them, they looked at me, and we giggled as we pulled off our shirts. Steph was naked before I had even...

Reading Dirty Stories

She used to read me dirty stories in bed, but I swear she made up the parts in the middle. One night while it was snowing, she warmed up the wine and cranked up the heat. She lit a candle that smelled like spring and we crawled into bed with Anais Nin and George...