Well friends, after thirteen years, it’s finally time for little project to come to an end. Guy New York was a fun character to inhabit and often felt more like me than I did. But Guy and Quickies New York have done what they came to do. 

I wrote over a thousand short stories for Tumblr, and I’ve published over one hundred books. We posted original photos, shared thoughts on sex, kink, and open-relationships, and most importantly made a whole bunch of amazing friends.

From Tumblr, my work spread out to Amazon, B&N, Patreon, Medium, Substack, and a slew of other places, many of which Guy outlasted in the shifting landscape of the internet.  

But all things come to an end, and right now it’s time for QNY and GNY to sign off so I can turn to new things. 

I don’t know what’s next. 

I don’t imagine I’ll stop writing, and I’m sure I’ll keep taking photos and rambling about New York one way or another. But right now I need to say goodbye and close the door so the next one can open.

Thanks for all your love, support, and most importantly your willingness to share and be a part of something that often felt vulnerable as it touched upon many of our fears and desires.

It’s been a fun ride.

I’m leaving this website up and my books will continue to be for sale on Amazon and other places. I’m so proud of all I’ve accomplished and especially the books I’ve sent out into the world. And while I’m moving on to new things, this work isn’t going anywhere.

Lots of love,


(Outside of GNY, I’m not especially active on social media, but if you’d like to keep up with me, I occasionally post on Instagram @BenInNewYork)