I’ve recently started playing with the self-publishing platform Pronoun, and so far I’m really liking it. I created an author page, added a few books from Amazon, and then just this morning I published a new collection of short stories about MMF threesomes, which I think is super fucking hot.

The interface is incredibly pretty, very easy to use, and streamlines the production process better than most I’ve seen. And most importantly they have great data around keywords and metadata, especially as it relates to Amazon. Which means they help you choose the best phrases and words so that people can actually find your books.

You can read about how they do it on their site here, and it’s worth a read. 

You can see my screenshots of both the coming soon page for my new book and my author page below, both of which are done pretty much automatically and look fantastic. If you want to visit them for a better look here are the links:

Pronoun Author Page: Guy New York

Pronoun Coming Soon Book Page: MMF

All in all, I’m very impressed. I’ll keep you posted about how the rest of the process goes, but right now I’m just waiting for the new book to go live on Amazon, iBooks, Google Play, Kobo, and B&N, all with the click of just one button. Very cool.

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Here’s my author page on Pronoun

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Here’s the coming soon page for my new collection of MMF stories.