A New Erotic Novel!

A New Erotic Novel!

I’ve started a new novel. I think it’s number eight, but I’m not sure. There are too many starts, rough drafts, and things hidden in corners to get the number just right. My writing process typically involves me sitting at a desk for a few weeks straight cranking out...

Summer Girls!

A while back I got it into my head that I was going to create a fake old girlie magazine, and publish fake old stories from them. I wanted to write those old sleazy 70’s sort of forum letters which always sounded implausible but were fun all the same. While I...
Free Dirty Books: June 24-28

Free Dirty Books: June 24-28

I have four free books out this week. Here’s a list with the links! June 25-29 Tuesday, June 25: Desert Island Daddy: https://amzn.to/2XDOfFz Wednesday, June 26: Portraits of Alice: https://amzn.to/2NaMpHS Thursday, June 27: Boardwalk Affairs:...
Incest, Rape, and Other Taboo Stories

Incest, Rape, and Other Taboo Stories

Recently I began a new project where I write and share taboo stories for a small group of Patrons who pay a premium for the chance to read what I call “The Bad Ones.” It’s been a fun project, and since I enjoy writing about taboo sex, it’s come somewhat naturally. But...