by Guy New York | Apr 18, 2023 | Bisexual, Blog, Free Sex Stories, Hotwife/Cuckold
Our fantasies overlapped in one very particular place. And when Kitty shared that information with an old friend, he offered to help without hesitation. The old friend in question was an ex from college who she occasionally met up with for drinks. Their...
by Guy New York | Jan 9, 2023 | Bisexual, Blog, Free Sex Stories, Group Sex, Hotwife/Cuckold, Literary
We didn’t have a condom. But our boundaries around safe sex were not as strong as they used to be. She and I had stopped using them months ago after doing the adult thing of getting ourselves tested and then talking. He, on the other hand, had other arrangements with...
by Guy New York | Jan 11, 2022 | Bisexual, Blog, Free Sex Stories, Threesomes
It was raining on 15th street by the time she got home. Listening from the bed, we heard her wet boots slush as she stripped off her coat, and we could barely contain our giggles. It was her loft, her coffee on the stove, her wine by the bed, and her boyfriend I was...
by Guy New York | Aug 10, 2021 | Bisexual, Blog, Free Sex Stories
Salt and sand and I can taste him in my mouth. I can smell her hair and her sunscreen, and I can still feel her fingers on my skin. The ocean was warm, at least in the bay, and the wind was enough to keep us moving without too much work. It was early enough in the day...
by Guy New York | Jul 6, 2021 | Bisexual, Blog, Free Sex Stories, Hotwife/Cuckold, Threesomes
As much as I write about “hotwife” and “cuckold” fantasies and games, the way these things have played out in my life tend to veer in a slightly different direction. I’ve written about them over the years, and on occasion, I’ve...
by Guy New York | Aug 14, 2020 | Bisexual, Blog, Free Sex Stories, Group Sex, Hotwife/Cuckold
By the time I woke up, they had long been out of bed. I could smell coffee, although I doubted there was any left, and by the soft sounds emanating from the living room, I guessed they had moved onto other morning activities. I woke up hard as it was, but the moans...