I recently came across this article on Cultura Inquieta about the photographer Hugues Erre, whose work I hadn’t seen before. It’s beautiful art, both the sexy things and the non, and it was a pleasure to be introduced to it.
One of the things that’s always drawn me in as a writer and a lover of photography is the very normal details that I find erotic. For me at least, being able to relate in some way to an image or a story makes it all the more appealing, so stories of millionaires, images of fashion models in penthouse apartments, and other fantasy tales are usually less appealing.
But on occasion, a great photographer captures or a look or a glimpse of something that draws me in. A normal every day action suddenly is erotic based purely on capturing the right moment. It’s something I struggle do to in my writing, and always love when I see in a photo.
You can find more of his erotic and non-erotica work on Flickr right here.